We're gonna be in the Hudson...

| Posted in | Posted on 11/13/2009

One of my greatest fears is a plane crash. One of my best friends as a child, his brother was a pilot and he died in a crash (RIP). Aaliyah also died in a crash in the Bahamas. In the Bahamas, every flight you take is going to be above water. Either you are island hopping, or going to the USA. From Florida, I mostly drive to anywhere I want to go, and again, fly over water when I am going home to visit my family.

I'm not afraid of flying, I would actually like to learn one day. I see the ads all the time for a few grand you could get a "sports license" for only daytime flights and small planes. Also in the last few years, that carplane by Terrafugia, that is really affordable if you think about what it can do, compared to a R/V, has really peeked my interest (nope, I can't afford it.)

Last year in NY, I'm sure everyone heard the flight that crash landed in the Hudson River where everyone survived because of Cpt. Sully. Dude was a hero, and I hope if I'm ever in that situation, I have a pilot of his caliber behind the instruments.

Here is a 3D digital video, that had me amazed. The flight was very short, under 8 minutes, it shows the comments, the pilot and co-pilot were saying to each other and wasn't heard in the audio I previously heard on the radio.

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