Obama & Drake, what do they have in common?

| Posted in , | Posted on 11/09/2009

I have been thinking about this for sometime and when I'm a lil buzzed I keep comparing the two. Do any of you ever think of these 2 people as running in the same lanes. Yes this is parody and jokes...

• White mother / Black father. (both fathers didn't stay in the picture)
• Raised around more of his mothers family than his fathers. But accepted by the black community as well. "The Black delegate accepts high yella Drake!"
• Became known to the public before they even signed a deal (Obama was a new senator and his speech and the 2204 DNC got him noticed / Drizzy a lil mixtape actor turned rapper) both got noticed for great wordplay skills. Obama has speechwriters, Drake has ghostwriters.
• No disrespect to what Obama has achieved. But some people think they are over-rated and society gives them too much credit. (Obama's nobel peace prize / Drakes being able to perform at an award show without even having an album).
• Obama healthcare reform / Drake always injuring himself.


(I'm mixed-raced / mulatto / Light-skinneded / hi-yella myself, its jokes people. But seriously I'm just Black. One drop baby!)

Edit ----- Speaking of Obama, the site Zuka Online (whatever that is) stole one of my parody Obama images from the hiphop site SOHH. Look in the upper left of and you will see "Kalik Presents.." this was a Jay-Z album cover I modified with Obama on it, instead.

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